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These girls didn't think they could do it,what a                       surprise they received at this workshop.

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Click image for workshop information.

The water front WM2.jpg

Click image for prints of Animals.

click image for originals of animals 

china on the shelfwm2.jpg

.Click image for designer cushions.

Click image for prints of still life

Click image for originals of still life.

My chosen medium is water colour paint and pencils. Through layering and glazing and delicate transparencies of paint one can achieve beautiful atmospheric and moody paintings. My aim is to please and to help the viewer see the regular things that we miss through the busy, hectic lives we now lead. Nothing can put into words the deep feelings of satisfaction and joy I gain from painting what I see in water colour. 

Thank you for taking the time to visit my website. If you like my work, please get in touch and I hope to hear from you soon.

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